Photo: Olav Heggø CC BY-SA 4.0
On loan from the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo

Square-headed brooch

Burial from Veien - cremation grave from the Migration Period

This bronze brooch has a crescent shaped bottom part, reminiscent of a spade, and a square shaped top. In the Iron Age, brooches, bands, and clothing pins had several functions. They were not only ornamental, but also served a practical function by fastening clothing for both men and women. 

We know very little about male dress in the Iron Age. The attire likely consisted of a long-sleeved tunic fitted with a waist belt, and trousers. A cape would cover the shoulders, fastened with a brooch like the one displayed here. 

Clothing pins and jewelry would be buried with many individuals. However, we cannot determine whether such items were personal belongings of the deceased or given as grave gifts from the living.