Uvdal stave church
Uvdal stave church was built when Norway was establishing its position as a sovereign European kingdom with an independent church. As the church was finished in the 12th century, the nave was approx. 5x6 meters and had a small choir. The original floorboards were c. 10-15 cm thick and up to 65 cm wide. These floorboards are still located under the church floor today. The church room was about 40 sqm in total. There are traces of an overbuilt veranda from the earliest construction, surrounding the church. The portal which today stands in the vestibule was probably originally placed between the nave and the choir. This portal is ornamented with shooting branches typical of 12th century style.

Photo: Foto: Bjørn Johnsen/Buskerud County Photo Archive
An expansion of the nave westward was probably completed some time before 1350. With new demands following the church reformation in 1537, seating had to be added for the congregation. Up until this point, people had to stand upright or be kneeling during mass. This new demand for seating often leads to issues of space in older churches throughout Norway. In Uvdal, the church was therefore yet again expanded. A gallery was added to the nave, a large new choir was built and a crossing with transept with galleries was constructed.
Further changes to the church architecture can be linked to the large societal changes in the 19th century. During this time, many older churches in Norway were torn down to make way for new and larger churches. Also in Uvdal, a new church was erected. Fortunately, the preservation and care of the older stave church was handed over to the National Trust of Norway in 1898.

In today´s vestibule, the portal stands which probably dates to the 12th century. The portal is carved and ornated with shooting branches, rising from animal heads. There are no traces of medieval illustrations in the painted ornamentation of the church. The church was probably painted from the 17th century onwards as part of the increasing interest towards decoration which then became the norm in Norway. Today, Uvdal stave church is richly decorated with painted illustrations and colorful motifs.