Photo and loan from the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo


545 coins have been found under the floor in Uvdal stave church. The coins are generally of low value and dates mostly to the early 12th century. A total of 440 of the coins are medieval, 159 of them date to the age of king Håkon Håkonsen (1220 – 1260). 

How did the coins end up under the church floor? They may have been placed there as small private offerings, perhaps connected to magic or superstition. Or were some simply dropped and lost? At different times, the church would have a collection of alms or taxes and it is easy to believe that some coins found their way under the wide floorboards as well. 

If the coins are organised following the time they were produced, we still only see about 0-1 coin dropped or deposited under the floor every year. Even the periods with more coins we only see about 1-2 coins for each year.